Publicado: Vie Feb 10, 2017 8:17 pm
por Anibal clar
Bueno, pues pasado el tiempo preceptivo, con todo dolor de mi corazón, procedo con la respuesta.

Se trataba de Model, en efecto, pero la disputa ocurrió cuando el OKH, por orden de Hitler, impidió que se usara el XLVII panzerkorps para un contrataque.
Enterado Model, partió hacia la guarida del lobo, y allí discutió con Hitler, y llegado un momento dado, le pregunto: "mi Führer, quién manda el noveno ejército, usted o yo?
Hitler cedió y dio libertad de acción a Model.

Es esto:
In a much-noted incident, Model had to deal with an attempt by Adolf Hitler to interfere with his arrangements. A telephone call from Army Group Center's chief of staff on 19 January 1942 informed him that Hitler, having become nervous about the direct Soviet threat against Vyazma, had decided that XLVII Panzer Corps, 2nd SS Division Das Reich and 5th Panzer Division were not to be employed in the imminent counterattack but reserved for other use in the rearguard. Immediately, Model drove back from Rzhev to Vyazma in a raging blizzard and boarded a plane for East Prussia. Bypassing the figure of field marshal Günther von Kluge, his immediate superior, he sought a personal confrontation with Hitler. At first he attempted to lay out his reasons in the best, dispassionate General Staff manner, only to find the Führer unmoved by logic. Suddenly, glaring at Hitler through his monocle, Model brusquely demanded to know: "Mein Führer, who commands Ninth Army, you or I?". Hitler, shocked at the defiance of his newest army commander, tried to find another solution favorable for both, but Model still was not satisfied. "Good, Model", the exasperated Hitler finally responded. "You do it as you please, but it will be your head at risk". ... ith_Hitler

Por tanto dejo los trastos de matar en manos de Herr Grognard.
Proceda cuando quiera, estimado parachutista. :arrow: