Publicado: Mié Mar 21, 2018 12:51 pm
por Anibal clar
Los generales son Erwin Rommel y Johannes Streich, siendo Rommel el de superior rango.

El suceso aconteció en África, sobre primeros de abril de 1941, durante el ataque alemán a Mechili.
Streich comandaba la 5ª división ligera (más adelante transformada en la mítica 21ª panzer). ... ce&f=false

Y también, más someramente:
Nonetheless, Rommel was not impressed with his leadership, considering him too cautious and slow in his advance.[6] When Streich opposed orders to attack the town of Mechili on 7 April on the grounds his division was not prepared, Rommel accused him of cowardice. The accusation was retracted when Streich threatened to return his Knight's Cross
